Terminus absence from the Abyss

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The Terminus tile is not visible or present at the bottom-most layer of the Infernum Abyss, as such making it impossible to summon the Primordial Wyrm the intended way.


There are numerous possible causes, such as the player having accidentally mined or destroyed the tiles under where the Terminus would naturally spawn, or corruption of the world generation.


There are no natural in-game ways to fix this error, but it can be fixed through the use of other debug mods which give the player accessibility to unlisted tiles, such as the DragonLens mod.

Tile fix

Download and enable DragonLens from the Steam Workshop, go to the placeable Blocks/Tiles menu, search for the "Terminus" tile added by Infernum. Select the tile, and place it on the top of a smooth surface, 3-4 tiles wide, in the fourth layer. If placed correctly, and if the Infernum Primordial Wyrm has not been defeated in your world yet, you will see the Terminus show up at the place where you laid down the tile.

That Terminus tile can now be mined with a pickaxe to start the fight normally.

Spawn item fix

Download a mod which gives the player accessibility to all items in-game, like DragonLens, Cheat Sheet or HERO's Mod. Go to the Items menu, and look for the Evoking Searune added by the Infernum Mod. Using the Evoking Searune in the fourth layer of the Abyss will start the normal fight with the Primordial Wyrm.

Mechanics and Support Calamity and Terraria changes Acquisition of Abyss items  •  Rage and Adrenaline tweaks  •  Altered world-generation  •  Boss Rush  •  Rebalanced items
Infernum mechanics Death Wishes  •  Dev Wishes  •  Infinite flight  •  Boss health bar
Player resources Mod Calls  •  Credits  •  Manually enabling Master and FTW compatibility  •  Music
FAQs for mod conflicts, errors, and bugs Terminus absence from the Abyss  •  Faulty world generation  •  Profaned Bosses-related issues