Модуль:Language info

Материал из Infernum Mod Wiki
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Lua.svg Документация Документация, указанная ниже, находится на странице «Модуль:Language info/doc». (править | история)

-- We only invoke this module once per page, therefore we do not need to use mw.loadData()
-- This cache is set in Module:Language_info/data
-- Note: 
-- If a template that's being used by large number of page changed, it will causing all of these page's cache to be invalidated and requires regeneration.
-- This may crash wiki platform and cause visitor get 5xx error. So we use luacache to decouple data template and template which uses it.
-- By doing this, editing on data template won't cause massive pages to be regenerated.
local cache = require 'mw.ext.LuaCache'
local info = cache.get(':_language_info:data')
if not info then
	info = cache.get(':_language_info:data') or {}

return {
	interwiki_links = function(frame)
		local key = frame.args['en']
		local lang = frame.args['lang']
		local iwlinks = {}
		for k,v in pairs(info) do
			if k ~= lang then
				if v[key] then
					iwlinks[#iwlinks+1] = '[[' .. k .. ':'.. v[key] .. ']]'
		return table.concat(iwlinks)