
Материал из Infernum Mod Wiki
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Замечание: Возможно, после публикации вам придётся очистить кэш своего браузера, чтобы увидеть изменения.

  • Firefox / Safari: Удерживая клавишу Shift, нажмите на панели инструментов Обновить либо нажмите Ctrl+F5 или Ctrl+R (⌘+R на Mac)
  • Google Chrome: Нажмите Ctrl+Shift+R (⌘+Shift+R на Mac)
  • Internet Explorer / Edge: Удерживая Ctrl, нажмите Обновить либо нажмите Ctrl+F5
  • Opera: Нажмите Ctrl+F5.
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/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
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/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

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/* ========================================================================== */
/* === New flex mainpage styles ============================================= */
/* ========================================================================== */
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/* ========================================================================== */
/* === New flex mainpage styles end ========================================= */
/* ========================================================================== */

/* For Template:Heading, mainly used in main page. */
div.heading {
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div.heading > span.rightimg {
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/* -- Removes redundant Cargo extension "Purge cache" link ---------- */ li#ca-cargo-purge {
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/* itemlist */
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.itemlist > ul > li {
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/* {{diagram}} */
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/*center dot fix*/
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table.diagram td.craft-station{
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.crafting-tree .diagram{
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/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* ================================================================== */
/* UCP fixes */
/* ================================================================== */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* ======================================= */
/*         UI: Orange color to blue        */
/* ======================================= */

/* ======================================= */
/*           Invisible checkboxes          */
/* ======================================= */

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/* ======================================= */
/*          Extension:TemplateData         */
/* ======================================= */

.oo-ui-icon-parameter-set {
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/* Template documentation */
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.documentation_title {
    padding-bottom: 3px; 
    border-bottom: 1px solid #AAAAAA; 
    margin-bottom: 1ex;

/* Expert */
.expert_value {

/* Revengeance */
.revengeance_value {

/* Death Mode */
.death_value {

/* Defiled */
.defiled_value {

/* Malice */
.malice_value {

/* Master */
.master_value {

/* Rev Master Why */
.revengeance_master_value {

/* Auto line separators for tables */
table.lined td {
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table.lined tr:last-of-type td {
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table.lined tr:nth-last-of-type(2) td[rowspan="2"] {
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/* Crafts tables */
   border: 1px solid #aaa;
   border-radius: 8px;
   padding: 6px;
   background-color: var(--template-background-color-1);
   color: white;
   margin: auto 0 0.5em;
table.crafts table.inner {
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table.crafts table.inner th {
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    background: var(--template-heading-background-color-1);

/* Main page */
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/* logo drop shadow */
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/* Allows limiting TOCs to generate links for only header levels 
   below a limit, for instance only level-3 (=== ===) and below.
   Use [[Template:Toc limit]] */
.toclimit-2 .toclevel-1 ul,
.toclimit-3 .toclevel-2 ul,
.toclimit-4 .toclevel-3 ul,
.toclimit-5 .toclevel-4 ul,
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.toclimit-7 .toclevel-6 ul { display: none !important; }

/* Tabs */
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/*    margin-right: 0.5em;*/
/*    margin-top: 206px !important;*/

/* Logo */
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/*    height: 195px !important;*/
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/*    height: 186px !important;*/
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/* Hide main page header */
/* h1.firstHeading {*/
/*    display:none;*/

/* for "edit this page" tab and "discussion" tab etc */
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/* -- item link ----------------------------------------------------- */
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.i > a, 
.i > img{ 
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.i > span{
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.i > img:first-child,
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.i.-w > span,
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.i.break > span{
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.i .note{
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.i div.note{ /*note2*/
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.i span.note{
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.i.-w span.note:last-child{
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.i.boldname >span span:first-child{
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.i.notecolor span.note{
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.i.note2color div.note{
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.i.block > span{
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.i.notesize span.note{
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/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* -- Infobox & infobox wrapper template style ---------------------- */
/* some rules just kept for "old" template. */
.infobox td, .infobox th {
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.infobox caption {
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.infobox.bordered {
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.infobox.bordered .borderless td,
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/* styles for latest template */
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.infobox table th{
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.infobox > .title{
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.infobox > .title span{
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.infobox > .title span::before{
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.infobox > .title span::after{
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.infobox .variant{
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.infobox .images{
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.infobox ul{
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.infobox .stat td > small{
   font-size: 10.5px;
   font-weight: bold;
.infobox .stat td > small::before{
   content: "(";
.infobox .stat td > small::after{
   content: ")";
.infobox tr.buff th, .infobox tr.buff td{
   background-color: var(--template-heading-background-color-1);
   border: 1px solid #515151;
.infobox tr.buff th{
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.infobox tr.buff td{
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.infobox tr.buff td b{
   font-weight: bold;
.infobox .variant{
   margin-bottom: 2px;
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.infobox .drops td:first-child{
   text-align: left;
.infobox .drops td:last-child{
   text-align: right;
.infobox .drops th:first-child{
   text-align: left;
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.infobox .section.drops,
.infobox .section.resistances{
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   margin: 2px auto;
.npc.infobox .map{
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.infobox .image2{
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.infobox .proj,
.infobox .ib_sound,
.infobox .cooldown {
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   margin-top: 6px;
.infobox .drops.items{
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.infobox .drops.items li{
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.infobox .drops.items li:first-child{
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.infobox .drops.items li > div{
   display: block;
.infobox .drops.items li > div:first-child{
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.infobox .drops.items li > div:last-child{
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.infobox .drops.items li:last-child{
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.infobox .drops.items li.caption{
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.infobox .drops.items li.group_end{
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/* for item infobox */
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/* for npc infobox */
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/* infobox wrapper */
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.infobox-wrapper.float-none.direction-row-reverse .infobox,
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.infobox-wrapper.float-none.direction-row-reverse .infobox.float-left,
.infobox-wrapper.float-none.direction-row .infobox.float-none,
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.infobox-wrapper.float-left.direction-column .infobox.float-none,
.infobox-wrapper.float-left.direction-column-reverse .infobox.float-none,
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.infobox-wrapper.float-right.direction-column-reverse .infobox,
.infobox-wrapper.float-right.direction-column .infobox.float-left,
.infobox-wrapper.float-right.direction-column-reverse .infobox.float-left,
.infobox-wrapper.float-right.direction-column .infobox.float-none,
.infobox-wrapper.float-right.direction-column-reverse .infobox.float-none,
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/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

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/* For Template:Code */
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/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* Level 1 color */
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/* Recipes tables */
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div.crafts.centered {

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div.crafts.nostation th.station,
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/* itemlink default as multiline */
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/* references CSS */
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* Tabber styles ([[Template:Tabber]])

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/* ================================================================== */
/* Main page */
/* ================================================================== */

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* Mobile adjustments *
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/* History */
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/* Template:History & Template:Version History */
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/********* [[Template:Dotlist]] *********/
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/********* [[Template:Infocard]] *********/
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/* [[Template:Sound]] */
/* -- Make certain icons and logos more visible -- */
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/* Edit conflict styling */
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/* [[clm:MediaWiki:Lernaean.css]] */
/* Credit to Philo04 for creating this CSS */

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/* little ovals */
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